A selection of some of the models that took to the sky over the last week or so to enjoy the magnificent weather.

Lets hope we get another fine spell soon and that we have even more models take to the air.

IMG_6079 IMG_6073 IMG_6072 IMG_6065 IMG_6064 IMG_6063 IMG_6062 IMG_6061 IMG_6060 IMG_6059 IMG_6058 IMG_6057 IMG_6050 IMG_6047 IMG_6041 IMG_6039 IMG_6030 IMG_6028 IMG_6027 IMG_6023 IMG_6013 IMG_6008 IMG_6006 IMG_6004 IMG_6003 IMG_6003 IMG_6004 IMG_6006 IMG_6008 IMG_6013 IMG_6023 IMG_6027 IMG_6028 IMG_6030 IMG_6039 IMG_6041 IMG_6047 IMG_6050 IMG_6057 IMG_6058 IMG_6059 IMG_6060 IMG_6061 IMG_6062 IMG_6063 IMG_6064 IMG_6065 IMG_6072 IMG_6073 IMG_6079

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